Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our hotel. Do you have further questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you!

Check-in and check-out
Breakfast room
  • Are dogs allowed in the hotel?
    Dogs are only allowed on the ground floor and on request. It is important that availability is checked in advance. The costs are €15 per dog per night. For a stay longer than three nights €12 per dog per night.
Booking conditions
  • Is smoking allowed?
    Smoking inside is prohibited. If it is found that smoking has taken place inside, additional cleaning costs will be charged. Smoking is allowed outside on your balcony or terrace, and smoking is also allowed on our terrace or in the garden. During breakfast we ask for your cooperation to ensure that other guests are not bothered by the smoke.
  • It's my partner's birthday, can something fun be arranged?
    We are happy to help with a nice surprise such as in your room or at breakfast, please let us know in advance.